
Our Vision

Vision & Mission

We envision an economically 
and socially just society in which all people thrive.

We support organizations and initiatives that meaningfully improve outcomes for justice, dignity, and equity, with a focus on the Washington, DC area.



We align our work in support of racial and social justice, dignity, self-determination, and respect.

Transformational Change

We aspire to protect democracy, address root causes, promoting advocacy work and systems change.


We nurture and collaborate with our community by investing in creative and innovative solutions.


Community Transformation

Support initiatives that alleviate root causes of poverty and sustain a vibrant, self-empowered Washington, DC.

& Justice

Proactively addressing systemic oppression. Advocating for racial and social justice, self-determination, and solutions that build and democratize power.


Safe and dignified housing for all members of our community.

Tikkun Olam

Jewish values in action in pursuit of peace and social justice.


Honoring our founders’ vision for supporting children & families, the arts, the natural environment, and Jewish identity and community-building.

Funding Priorities

Our values and pillars help us to define which organizations we partner with.

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